Sunday, November 15, 2009

Advent is coming

They have already lit up their Christmas lights here is Cambridge. And it isn't even Advent yet. Advent. That forgotten season in the church calendar.

Download this pdf tutorial on Advent from Pastor Cwirla.
A taste:
The church year in the West begins with with a preparatory season called “Advent.” The word “advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “appearing” or “coming,” referring to the appearing of a great king or even a god. In Christian usage, it refers to the appearing of Jesus Christ in two ways - His first appearing as the Child born of the Virgin Mary and His second appearing in glory on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead. You see, Advent isn’t only about getting ready for Christmas; it’s also about getting ready for Jesus’ final appearing in glory only the Last Day.

Sick of the consumerism of "Christmas?" Consider delving into Advent. Cwirla has some good ideas: Attend Advent services Wed night, do daily advent themes devotions, decorate for Christmas in stages, make an advent calendar, and for a conversation starter - when people say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" respond with "Blessed Advent"

Cwirla mentions that Advent traditionally involves fasting.
I have known that Wednesday and Friday have been fast days, but I never knew why. Well...
From the early centuries, Christians fasted each week on Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday was the day our Lord was betrayed by Judas, Friday the day He was crucified for our salvation.

Cool. I think fasting in some regard during advent (and adding a time of prayer), may be a great aid to prepare for Christmas and to anticipate the coming of our Lord while also bucking the consumer-minded trends.


Damion said...

Geez, I haven't fasted in years. Many many years to be truthful. In fact I think the last time I did was when God wasn't answering my prayer. Ha! What a heretic, to think I could have forced the hand of God. How stupid.

J. Giunta said...

I was just reading about Advent candles and how they aren't used in the US. I'll still try to find one.

dmh said...

You should make an advent wreath. Then sell them on the internet.

I think I am doing to do a bible study on fasting to coincide with Advent.

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