Sunday, November 8, 2009

I heard an absolutely terrible sermon tonight. We've been in the habit of going to Evensong at the different colleges. Unfortunately, on Sunday night, it seems that a sermon is included. I can handle the Church of England, for the most part. If there is no sermon.

If your pastor finishes preaching a sermon and you notice that he has not mentioned Jesus, it is time for you to discuss the issue with your pastor.

If your pastor finishes preaching a sermon and you notice that he has only mentioned Jesus in regard to what you do for Him, it is time for you to discuss the issue with your pastor.

If your pastor finishes preaching a sermon and you notice that he has only mentioned Jesus in regard to how he can help you do things, it is time for you to discuss the issue with your pastor.

Using the Bible or quoting scripture does not make something Christian.

Jesus makes things Christian. His death and resurrection for us is what makes something Christian.

It is no wonder that people in England and America are becoming agnostic in droves. Pastors are feeding moralism to their congregations. The laity is being starved from feeding on the pure Gospel of Christ and receiving his forgiveness.

Thank God most of the Church of England still uses the liturgy. They still get the Word of God and the Gospel.

How sad is is for those who go to a "Christian" church and not only do they have to endure the assult of a law-driven lecture on moralism, but they also have no liturgy rooted in God's Word. They get a half an hour of songs written by...somebody.

Thank you, faithful pastors, who have boldly proclaimed the Gospel.

And those false leaders, who have neglected to proclaim Christ, but exalt moralism...
please, seriously, stop it.
My job is now like sweeping up the Cookie Monster's crumbs. It is like cleaning up Garfield's lasanga trays.
Cut it out.


dmh said...

I would like whatever he had to drink.

Sycz said...

I had it last night. It made me hurt this morning

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