Here's to hoping the LCMS changes its name at the next convention. Lutheran Church USA sounds fine to me.
I have a bible study to lead on the 15th for three weeks. I'm thinking an Advent theme, maybe study a bit on fasting, expectation, Christ's first coming, presence with us, and second coming. I should just teach on something I know. I know Evangelicalism. I know baseball. I will do a bible study on Billy Sunday.
I need to read more Hermann Sasse. He is legit.
I like Lutheran Church Middle School and Sling Blade.
Yeah, I think just, "The Lutheran Church" would be good. "The Legit Lutheran Church". "Come Here for the Gospel Church"
Too bad the word "Evangelical" got messed up. It used to mean "gospel" Now it means, well, I don't know.
Sling Blade Church. Good. I would go there. Monster's Ball Inc Church. I would not go there.
Oh, Damion, I saw your thing on the Brothers of John the Steadfast website. Good stuff.
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