Friday, October 15, 2010

bible study notes. What is the truth about eternity?

Eternity. Life after death.
Our culture is obsessed with it: ghost, vampire, zombies, time travelers, superheroes, spirit guides – symbols of our desire for life without end.
-products that promise to last forever (unbreakable, lifetime guarantee)
-to keep us from aging
-give us a new life
Even those who don’t believe in God or of an after life speak about people who “passed away” “went to a better place.” We all want eternal life.

There is Fear. In everyone

where does it come from? We were designed to live forever. Adam and Eve. They rebelled, sinned, but we all long for eternal life

Ecc 3;11. God set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Jesus became flesh and over came death and our rebellion and sin. We have new life now and for eternity.

Immortal God, thank you fro sending your Son in a mortal body to win for us immortality through his death and resurrection. Send your spirit to help us grasp the value of this gift. Through Jesus’ name Amen.

What lasts forever?
Eternity is forever.
We have no experience of forever.
a year in school seems to take an eternity, until you reach the end.
WE pledge to love someone always, or we at least think it. But do you know anybody has broken up with someone they love? Even the best marriage relationship ends when death parts us.
Have you ever heard the statement “this has forever changed the course of human history.?”
But everyone agrees (scientists and religious people) that the universe will end one day, human history will cease. Is there anything that lasts forever?

yeah, lets check it out.
each read one – write next to the verse what is eternal.
immortality imagined
Ecc 3:11
Brainstorm movies that depict eternal life or an alternate immortal life.

Left – immortality (what form – ghosts, elves, appearing after death
Right – imagination (how is this different from eternal life as we know it in God’s Word? Met a ghost? Elves?)

Why is immortality so popular in movies and books?

Who has eternal life?
Why doesn’t everyone get it?
(via cph Truth series)

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