Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve: Midnight Mass

Christmas Eve: Midnight Mass
“Heaven and Nature Sing”
Luke 2:10-12
Vicar Darren Harbaugh

Intro: “Good Grief! Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”
Sometimes we look around at what Christmas has become in our country: sales at the mall, office parties, a man dressed up in a red suit with a red nosed reindeer and we are tempted to cry: “Good Grief! Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” “What about ‘A great joy that will come to all people?’ “What about ‘Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace goodwill, toward men?’” A good cure for the Christmas blues is to remember the message the angels gave to the shepherds in Luke chapter 2. To quote one of my favorite theologian’s comments on Luke 2: “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”
I. The Angel’s Message (Luke 2:10-12)
A. The angel preaches the Gospel Good News of great joy. (Luke 2:10)
Linus got it right. In Luke 2, the angels proclaim good news of great joy for all the people. That “all” includes us. That message, given over 2000 years ago, is still “Gospel good news of great joy” for all of you out in the pews keeping watch over your hymnals by night, just as it was Gospel good news for those shepherds sitting in the fields of the Judean countryside so long ago.
1. The Gospel Good News is “for all people”
The angel told the shepherds: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” The Gospel good news of the angel was for all people, of every time and place, of every nation and race, rich and poor, old and young, tall and short. Everyone is included. Even the people you don’t like. Even the people that don’t like you. Even you, with all your hurts and hang-ups with all your problems, even you are included in this Gospel Good News. No matter who you are and what you’ve done, or what you’re still doing; there is good news for you. And there is true joy, pure joy, 200 proof joy that will knock your socks off and is far far better than the passing pleasures of this world.
2. The Gospel Good News means an end to fear. (John 3:16; 1 John 4:18)
The angel then told the shepherds: “Fear not!” Remember the Christmas Carol? “Silent Night! Holy Night! Shepherds quake at the sight” These shepherds had every reason be afraid. The angels are later described as an enormous company of the heavenly army. Think Green Berets, Army Rangers. Navy SEALs. These are imposing creatures. They are not fat babies with wings.
There is nothing more terrifying than being a sinful creature standing before a holy God. Because of our sin, we have every reason to be frightened, but we are covered by God’s love. You see, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear and replaces it with joy.
B. The Angel gives the reason for good news and great joy. (Luke 2:11)
1. The spontaneous eruption of a new reality within history.
The angel then tells the shepherds the reason for the good news and great joy. Something has happened. The angel’s message was no mere tabloid gossip or local news report. It was Gospel Good News - a breaking news flash
Every once in a while there is an event that shakes the nation and you remember where you were when you first heard the news. For me, it was 9/11. I have heard others talk the same way about the day JFK was shot. Perhaps there are personal events in your life that have had the same effect. We remember when we hear terrible news that dramatically affects us. But the angels were announcing wonderful good news that dramatically affects not just us or our nation, but which impacts all creation.
As Dr. Arthur Just says, this news brought with it a “spontaneous eruption of a new reality within history.” The angel is reporting an event that has disrupted the space/time continuum, which has pierced every dimension that will ever be discovered. An event which has rocked the earth to its core, and will cut to the core of every creature on this planet including you and everyone you will ever meet.
2. Heaven confirms for creation the historical fact that the Creator has come as a creature.
This news is a transmission direct from Heaven to earth. It is Heaven confirming for creation the historical fact that the Creator had come as a creature. God is Creator; we are creatures. God is God and we are not. But God became man. What does this mean? We just sang about it: “Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as Man with man to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel!” “ Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth.” This news means that salvation has come to us.
3. Today (!) salvation has come (Luke 4:21, 19:5-9, 23:43)
The angel told the shepherds, “For unto you is born this day (Today!) in the city of David a savior who is Christ the Lord.” Every time there is a today, Salvation has come for you. That’s how Jesus works. In Luke 19, Jesus told Zacheeus, “Today, salvation has come to this house.” In Luke 23, Jesus told the thief on the cross, “Today, you shall be will me in paradise.” And right now, Jesus tells you, “Today, the Savior comes bringing salvation to your house, so that you may join me in paradise.”
C. The Angel gives a sign. (Luke 2:12)
1. Quite an ordinary sign
After proclaiming the savior’s arrival, the angel gave the shepherds a sign. It was quite an ordinary sign. We might even be tempted to think that it is a boring sign. Moses was given the sign of a burning bush; the children of Israel were given the parting of the Red Sea. The shepherds were given…the sign of a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
The medieval theologian the Venerable Bede comments that this is not how we would expect the king, the creator, the savior of the universe to come. Jesus was not wrapped in fine silk, but in rough strips of cloth. He was not lying in an ornate golden bed, but in a manger - a feeding tray for animals.
2. The Great Reversal: Christ became poor that we might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9)
This is the Great reversal. Jesus did not just take upon himself our lowly humanity, but for our sake took upon himself even the clothing of the poor. As it says in 2 Corinthians 8, “though He was rich, yet for our sake He became poor so that by His poverty we might become rich.” The sign is that the Lord of Heaven has descended to earth in such lowliness and humility. The incarnation of God, the real presence of God, in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger is God’s ultimate reversal. It is a sign greater than any that came before.
4. The manger is the mirror of the cross. (Luke 23:53)
As Dr. Just says, this is a sign that pierces the heart and points to the reason this child was born. This baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, would 33 years later, be wrapped in a linen shroud and laid in a tomb. The manger is the mirror of the cross. In the humility of his birth, Christ was already preaching the lesson He would preach on Calvary. The Nativity is the prelude to Good Friday. Christmas points to the Crucifixion. We will sing of this later on in the service: Why lies He in such mean estate where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian fear; for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. Nails, spear shall pierce Him through, The cross be bourne for me, for you. Because of Christ’s birth, his life, his death and his resurrection, God and sinner have been reconciled. All your sins - your fears, your selfishness, your trust in wealth and possessions, your neglect of God and his word – have been forgiven. You have been reconciled with God through Christ.
II. Like the Shepherds, we believe and respond (Luke 2:15-20)
Good Grief! This is what Christmas is all about!; the proclamation of the good news of Jesus’ birth and receiving this news in faith. The shepherds saw the angels, people heard their news, and Mary pondered it in her heart. Seeing, hearing and pondering are our responses of faith as well, as we worship God. The Christmas gospel empowers us to share this Good news; it evokes faith, and creates worship of the Christ Child, who is himself the presence of God, the Word made flesh.
Like the shepherds, we receive a divine revelation in faith. Here, in this place, divine gifts are revealed through Word and Sacrament and we respond in faith like the shepherds, glorifying and praising God, proclaiming what He has done. With our eyes, ears, and heart and also with our mouth, our hands and all our being let us join heaven and nature in praising God for his gift of the lowly infant, whose birth promises us peace on earth and eternal glory in heaven. Amen

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent 4 – “What’s In A Name?” Matthew 1:18-25

Advent 4 – “What’s In A Name?” Matthew 1:18-25
Vicar Darren Harbaugh

Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Intro: What’s in a name?
Being in charge of naming a living being is a daunting prospect. It’s not all that difficult when choosing a name for a dog or cat, but a child? There’s lot of things to consider:
What if the name is too popular or too trendy or too unusual or too traditional or too difficult to spell or pronounce? What if a family member or friend doesn’t like the name? What about the meaning of the name? What’s in a name anyways? Well, for Mary and Joseph, there was a lot in a name; two names to be exact – Immanuel and Jesus. Included in these names was an amazing promise of hope in a time of fear and doubt.

I. The sign of Immanuel was Good news for Joseph and Mary
A. Joseph and Mary lived in a time of fear and doubt. 1:18-19
As our reading from Matthew begins, we see that times are tough for society in general. Judah is an occupied territory, under Roman rule. And times are tough personally for Joseph and Mary. It was one of those critical moments in life. Joseph and Mary were legally pledged to be married - more than what we would consider an engagement, but less than a full-fledged marriage. Then things got complicated. Mary was pregnant and Joseph knew that the child wasn’t his, so there must have been another man involved, right?
Joseph was a very religious Jew, careful to keep the law. The way he saw it, he had two options: 1) he could really make an example of Mary, charging her with adultery and publicly divorce her. 2) He could keep things quiet and give her a letter of divorce without stating the reason.
Joseph chose number 2, the milder option. Maybe he didn’t want the publicity, maybe he was a nice guy, who knows, but before he had the chance to carry out his plan he decided to sleep on the decision.
This proved to be a very fortuitous nap. Perhaps Joseph was following the age-old advice of getting some rest or even waiting overnight before going through with a decision. Maybe he thought it would bring more clarity, maybe he was weary and worn out from all the stress and anxiety. Whatever it was, he did not anticipate how refreshing his sleep would be.

B. God sent an angel to give Joseph hope 1:20
An Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying “Do not fear to take Mary as your wife! Her baby is from the Holy Spirit.” At just the right time, God intervened. All hope was lost. Joseph’s decision was made. But then God stepped in.

C. God gave Joseph the sign of Immanuel 1:21-23
God sent an angel, but more importantly he gave a sign, included in the child’s name. Joseph and Mary did not have to deliberate over what to name their baby. God left no room for creative license on behalf of the couple. The angel said, "You shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins. That’s what “Jesus” means – that name means Yahweh, the Lord, saves. Who this child would be was included in his name. Matthew adds that all this took place to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy: ”Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shall call his name Immanuel.” “Immanuel.” That name means something too -“God with us.” These two names say it all about the Child - God with us who will save his people from their sins.

D. Joseph believed God 1:24-25
Joseph woke up and believed God. He did as he was commanded. The sign of the name that the angel gave Joseph reassured him not only of Mary’s purity but also of God’s big plan from the beginning of the world that was now coming to fulfillment. Joseph took Mary home to be his wife. For Mary and Joseph, the sign of Immanuel was one of forgiveness and promise.

II. What does the sign of Immanuel mean for you?
A We live in a time of fear and doubt.
What about us? Like Mary and Joseph, we too live in a time of fear and doubt. Times are tough for our world in general. There are still wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, among the various other conflicts that rage around the globe. Our economy still leaves much to be desired, many continue to lose homes and jobs. Fear and doubt, sin and decay all around we see.
For many of us, times are personally tough and complicated. Perhaps you have stress and anxiety and fear because you look to the things of this world for security, meaning and significance rather than fearing, loving and trusting in God above all things. Maybe you are weary and worn out from the daily continual temptations of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, anger, envy and pride. You may be at a point where hope is hard to come by.

B. God sent Jesus to give us Hope Matt 28:10, Rev 1:17, Romans 1:7, Mt 1:21)
No matter what it is that causes you to fear and to doubt, all hope is not lost. At just the right time, God intervenes and steps in. Jesus’ words to us provide hope: “Do not be afraid;” “Fear not!” Jesus promises Peace. “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Peace, true peace, is found in Christ.

C. All this God gives to us through Jesus by the sign of Immanuel (matt28:20
1. Jesus – “Yahweh Saves” Matt 1:21
We have peace because, Jesus whose name means, Yahweh, the Lord, saves, came to save his people from their sins. We are God’s people. But we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have missed the mark. We have sinned in thought, word and deed, by what we have done, and what we’ve left undone. We have not loved God with all our heart and we have not loved our neighbors as our selves. Because of these sins, we justly deserve God’s temporal and eternal punishment; destruction of body and soul here in time and hereafter in eternity. A frightening proposition indeed.
To be saved from these sins is salvation indeed. We need someone not just able to alleviate the annoying inconveniences we experience in this life but one who is mighty enough to bring eternal, all-encompassing salvation. To Save us. To rescue us from the worst dangers, of sin, death, hell and Satan. We need one who will continue to keep us safe and secure so that nothing may ever harm us. “You ask who this may be? The Lord of Hosts is he. Christ Jesus Mighty Lord; God’s only son adored.”
The only one mighty enough to bring such salvation is he who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate and made man.
The long-expected Jesus, who was born to set his people free, releases you from your fears and sins. They can no longer inflict their deadly damning power on you. On your own, sin will cling to you closer than a shadow and will cling to you forever, but God’s own son Jesus has freed and rescued and saved you.

2. Immanuel – “God with us” (Matt 1:23, Matt 28:20)
Jesus is God in human flesh. Jesus is Immanuel – the name that means, God is with us. By coming in the flesh, God took our fears and our conflicts upon himself. Then that flesh, God with us in the flesh, was killed to take them all away. That flesh, Immanuel, God with us, is still present with us now in the Lord’s Supper, the body and blood of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, is present with us always. Jesus tells us: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst and ‘I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.

So, what’s in a name? A lot, when it is the name of our Lord Jesus, Immanuel, Savior of the Nations. We, like Mary and Joseph and Christians from every time and place, can believe and cling to the promise and forgiveness contained in the name Immanuel: God is with you and he saves you from all your sins.

And may the peace of God with passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Let us Pray: O holy Child of Bethlehem, descend on us we pray. Cast out sin and enter in. Be born in us today. O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel. Amen.

Christmas Chapel message 121610

Christmas Chapel message 121610
Vicar Darren Harbaugh

Does anybody here know what a truce is? (When two sides agree to stop fighting). Almost a hundred years ago, there was a terrible war being fought in Europe called the Great War or World War I. During that war, on Christmas Eve of 1914, the soldiers called a truce. They decided to stop fighting for one night, so that there would be peace during Christmas. Nothing quite like that has ever happened before or since. The soldiers, who were enemies, took turn singing Christmas songs, like “Silent Night,” to each other instead of fighting.

Some soldiers even went into “no man’s land” - the area between the two enemy armies where normally no one wants to go because they are afraid of being attacked, they went into this area and exchanged gifts and played soccer with each other. Unfortunately, after Christmas, the war continued for almost 4 more years.

But you know, many many years before World War I, there was another war going on - A war between God and man. We are sinful humans and our sins are like fighting against God. We have no way of winning this war. In fact, we would be lost for sure if we kept fighting God. God could crush us. But guess who called a truce in this war (God). Our Heavenly Father called a truce, He wanted to put an end to the fight. On Christmas, we can see God the Father calling a truce. There are two places we can look.

One is the manger where Jesus was born and the other is the cross, where Jesus died for our sins. Jesus’ coming to earth and dying took away our sin, our fighting with God. It put an end to the war.

Jesus brought a truce between us and God. Or to say it in Christmas language, Jesus made peace with God and man, like it says in our bible reading from Luke 2: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’” On Christmas, we thank God that because of Jesus, he allows us to sleep in heavenly peace. Amen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent 2 Midweek

120810 Sermon Advent Midweek 2- It’s Time to Wake Up!
Vicar Darren Harbaugh

You know that feeling you get when you wake up and realize you’ve overslept for work or an important meeting? Terror, dread, an adrenaline rush. It’s a terrible feeling when you realize that you’ve overslept, but it’s far worse to be snoozing spiritually, unprepared for Jesus’ second coming. In Romans, St. Paul sounds the alarm clock for us. What time is it? It’s time to wake up.
I The day is dawning
The Bible repeatedly tells us that the day is dawning; the day when Jesus will return in glory to judge both the living and the dead. We live in a critical time.
About 2000 years ago there was a critical time in the history of the world. Galatians 4, reads, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son born of a woman.” When the time was right according to God’s plan and the will of the heavenly Father, He sent his son Jesus into the world.
In our text from Romans 13, St Paul talks about another critical time. He says, “You know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.”
Today, is a critical time. Right now, salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed.” What time is it? It’s time to wake up! Advent is our alarm clock. We see the blue of Advent and we are reminded that Christmas is coming, as we prepare for Jesus’ first coming by way of a manger. But Advent also reminds us to prepare for Jesus’ second coming at the end of the world. Jesus is coming again! Are you ready? It is no time to snooze spiritually.
Matthew tells us, “Stay Awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming…The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Oversleeping can be embarassing, but Spiritual snoozing can have eternal consequences. If you are not prepared to meet God it can result in eternal separation from Him.
The end of the world and the day of judgment can seem pretty remote to us. Let me put it this way. What would you do if you knew you only had one week to live? Suddenly the things you thought were important seem pretty insignificant. Take a moment right now. Imagine that you have only a week to live. Make a mental list of things like people to forgive, or spend time with; sins to repent of; people you need to share the Gospel with; unresolved issues that need to be addressed once and for all.
Got your list? What are you waiting for? You don’t know when your time on this earth will end. Advent is a good alarm clock for each of us. It’s time to wake up! We live in a critical time. The Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect.
II We need to be dressed for the occasion
St Paul tells us not only that its time to wake up, but also that we need to be “dressed for the occasion,” the occasion of Jesus’ second coming. Paul says, “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” After you wake up, you need to get dressed. Paul tells us to put on God’s armor light and to cast off the rags of sin, dirty clothes of disobedience and deeds of darkness.
In the Old Testament book of Zechariah chapter 3, we are given a picture of how our filthy clothes of sin are taken off of us and replaced with robes of righteousness. The prophet Zechariah has a vision of a man, who represents each of us, standing before God’s judgment seat. He’s dressed in filthy clothes, the clothes of sin and disobedience. In this heavenly courtroom scene, it’s clear that the man is guilty. Satan, the accuser and prosecuting attorney, calls for the man’s condemnation. All is hopeless. Then, the defense attorney defense speaks. He tells the accuser to shut up and announces that his man has been delivered from judgment. He has the filthy clothes removed and the man is dressed in white robes of righteousness. He is forgiven! He is not condemned! This is how we sinners are made right with our holy God. This is justification. It’s God’s gift. It’s like a new set of clothes that He gives for us. We cannot dress ourselves for the occasion. God, for Jesus’ sake dresses us. These white robes that we wear during service are a reminder of God’s gift of new clothes, his gift of forgiveness. That is also why we have a tradition of clothing babies in a white garment at baptism.
In, Galatians 3, Paul says ‘For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ.” This is like the hymn we sang (will sing) “Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress.”
Jesus’ death on the cross for our sin and his rising from the grave, gives us victory over sin, death and the devil. He exchanges our sin for his righteousness. He strips off of us our filthy garments and dresses us for the occasion. We are now awake and ready to stand before the eternal judgment throne and declare: “Nothing in my hand I bring; Simply to the cross I cling, Naked, come to thee for dress; Helpless look to thee for grace. We are dressed in the righteousness of Jesus our Savior!
III So, dressed for the day, we walk while we wait.
Now, between Jesus’ first and second coming, we live as God’s forgiven, well-dressed, wide-awake children. Dressed in the gift of God’s righteousness, we live a different kind of life than unbelievers. We live not to earn God’s love or impress others, but to thank God and witness to His mercy and forgiveness.
To make you ready for the world’s end and the Day of Judgment, you have been awakened and given a new suit of clothes. You have been dressed in the righteousness and forgiveness of Christ Jesus. You are ready.
This day and everyday in Advent is a wonderful day to wake up and celebrate the love of God freely given to you in Jesus. Amen.

Advent 2 Midweek
Sermon Outline
Romans 13:11-14
“It’s Time to Wake Up!”
I. The day is dawning.
II. We need to be dressed for the occasion.
III. So, dressed for the day, we walk while we wait.

101310 chapel

101310 Chapel
Vicar Darren Harbaugh
1. Can anybody tell me what this is? (wait) That’s right. It’s a thank you card. What are these cards used for? (wait. We use them to show our appreciation when someone has done something special for us or given us something.)

2. Sometimes people forget to say thank you. You may even think its rude if someone doesn’t thank you when you do something nice for them or when you give them a gift. But we often forget to thank God, who is the giver of all good gifts.

3. In our reading for today, Jesus gave a great gift to 10 lepers. Not leopards, like the big cats with spots on them, but lepers. These are people that had leprosy, one of the worst diseases in Jesus’ time. People who had leprosy were forced to leave their homes and their families and go to places all by where only other people with leprosy lived. They usually stayed there until they died. They hardly ever got better because there was no medicine to heal leprosy. When the 10 lepers in our story saw Jesus, they called out for help, “Jesus, have mercy on us!” We will sing these words later in chapel this morning. We are confessing that we are helpless like those lepers when we cry out “Lord, have mercy!” We have a disease worse than leprosy. We have the disease of sin.

Well, Jesus healed the lepers. It was a miracle. The lepers could finally go back to their families. Jesus also heals us, from our disease of sin by his death on the cross. We are able to join the family of God.

4. All 10 of the lepers in the story were healed but only one went back to thank Jesus. What are some reasons why we don’t say thank you? (forget, don’t appreciate the gift, distracted)

5. Why did the one leper return? Jesus tells him, “Your faith has made you well.” The leper that returned was healed from his sickness and from his sins because of his faith in Jesus.

There are lots of things we can thank God for, but the most important is the gift of salvation and faith in Jesus Christ. We don’t need to write God a thank-you note, but we can say thank you to him when we pray to Him and sing to Him and when we continue to call out Lord, have mercy! Let’s thank God for the gifts He has given us.

Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us life, for taking care of us, and most of all for giving your Son Jesus to save us. Thank you for the most precious gift of faith and eternal life in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

110310 chapel

110310 chapel
Vicar Darren Harbaugh

I guess there is a big celebration going on today in downtown San Francisco. Does anybody know why? (Giants!)
Why is everybody dressed in black and orange? (colors)
Why are people so excited about the Giants? (long time since they won, they are the best!)

Well, we just read in the Bible about a great victory celebration that all are invited to. At this party everyone will be celebrating, not because of giants but because of a lamb.

The lamb is Jesus. He is the lamb of God who was sacrificed to take away the sins of the World. Every Christian who has ever lived will celebrate Jesus’ final victory over sin, which he earned by his death on the cross.

Do the Giants need to play any more games to prove that they are the champions? (No!) Well, neither Jesus nor you are I need to do anything else to proof that sin and death have been defeated. On the cross, Jesus suffered and died and won victory for us all.

Christians will forever live with God and all the problems we have here on earth will be gone. The bible says that Jesus will wipe every tear from our eye, no more sadness or pain.

Think of a time when you were really happy. Got it? Eternal life with Jesus will be even better for those who have been baptized into His name. That is something to celebrate!

Let’s sing to the Lord.

chapel 111710

Anybody here like going to the beach? (wait) I like going to the beach. I went last week. The sun was out, it was beautiful,. I looked at the tall cliffs next to the beach. They were amazing. You’d think that they’d last forever, but I learned later that the beach I went to, used to be an official state beach but was closed because waves and storms and earthquakes had caused landslides. Those big cliffs and sand dunes are actually crumbling into the ocean.
The things around us won’t last forever. What big event happened in San Francisco in the year 1906? (wait) There was a great big earthquake and fire that destroyed much of the city. Many huge buildings were destroyed. It was a huge disaster.
There have been many big disaster movies made about the end of the world because of earthquakes or volcanoes or disease or global warming or nuclear war. And it seems like every year somebody new is predicting when the world is going to end. When I was growing up, there was a book called “88 Reasons why the world is going to end in 1988.” Guess what. That book was wrong. Then some people said that in the year 2000 the world is going to end. Guess what they were wrong too. Now some people are saying “2012, that’s the year that the world is going to end.” There was even a big movie made about it.
Well, there’s a good place you go to when you find out about the end of the world. Not the TV or movies but God’s Word - the Bible. Jesus says: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
So someday the world will pass away. But when people say, “Nothing is forever,” that’s not true, there is something that lasts forever. In our reading today, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” God’s word will last forever.
The prophet Isaiah writes “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”

God’s Word is forever. In the beginning, God spoke his Word, cutting through the darkness and creating light. 2000 years ago, God Word’s took on human flesh when Jesus was born. Jesus cut through the darkness of sin. Today, God’s Word declares that you and I are righteous and holy because of Jesus’ death on the cross. In eternal life, Christians will praise God forever singing his Word back to him. This is God’s promise to us and we can trust it.

So you don’t have to be afraid when somebody talks about the end of the world. So what?! Even though all around us may pass away, Christians have hope because God’s Word is forever and we have confidence that we too will live forever because of Jesus. Amen.

chapel 120110

(alarm) Why are alarms important? (wake up, ready for school, events). If you didn’t have an alarm you still might be in bed right now.

We want to be awake for important things like school and meetings, but we especially want to be awake spiritually. Our reading from Romans says, “You know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.”

We are now in the season of Advent, which is like an alarm clock. We see the blue of the Advent and it’s reminder to wake up and prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ coming as a baby. What do we call that celebration? (Christmas) Advent also reminds us that we are to prepare for Jesus’ second coming at the end of the world. Jesus is coming again! Are you ready? It is no time to take a spiritual nap.

Our reading from Matthew says, “Stay awake, for you do not know what day your Lord is coming…Be ready, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Taking a nap spiritually is not just embarrassing; if you are not prepared to meet God, it can result in being separated from Him forever.

After you wake up, what are some things you do to prepare for the day? (shower, breakfast, dress.) You always want to remember to get dressed.

I brought a bag of my dirty, smelly, laundry. Would it be a good idea to wear these clothes today? (no.) Why not? (not clean. stink) What if I was going to a big special occasion, like a wedding, would it be a good idea to wear these dirty clothes?

Our reading from Romans, not only tells us that it’s time to wake up, but also tells us that we need to get dressed for the big occasion of Jesus’s second coming. Without Jesus, we are clothed in dirty rags of sin. St Paul says, “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” We put on Jesus himself and we throw off the dirty clothes of disobedience and sin.

We are clothed with Christ through Baptism. The Bible says, “As many of You as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” By Jesus’ death on the cross for our sin and His rising from the grave, He gives us victory over sin, death and the devil.

In Baptism, you are dressed and ready for the big occasion of Jesus’ second coming. You have been awakened and given a new set of clothes, in exchange for your dirty laundry of sin. You have been dressed in the righteousness and forgiveness of Jesus, you are ready.

This day, and every day in Advent, is a wonderful day to wake up (set off alarm) and celebrate the love of God freely given to you in Jesus.